The fees of our practice are not registered.

Whether the dentist is registered or not registered, in both cases, the reimbursement from the INAMI (the national institute for health and disability insurance) will be the same as it is established by the health insurance. Registered dentists apply the fees established by the INAMI. Dentists who are not registered remain free to set their own fees. They are however committed to apply their fees with tact and moderation. The calculation method applied to non-registered services considers investments in equipment and ongoing training, good practice recommendations as per the current scientific acquired or evidence-based knowledge, the scrupulous observance of hygiene and asepsis rules.

Our unfailing commitment to work according to the strict quality criteria that have been specifically defined, analysed, and are regularly assessed and implemented can only be ensured through significant investments in human resources, trainings and equipment. This means that the consultations, the preservative and preventive care are partly covered by the mutual health insurance according to the rules specified by the INAMI. Surgery, implants, fixed prostheses and aesthetic dental care are not covered by the mutual health insurance. For these services which are not covered by the INAMI, we will propose an estimate of our fees based on a personalised and individualised treatment plan. You will then have a desired cooling off period before giving your consent. With a view to alleviate the financial strain of your treatment, we will agree on a financial settlement through a payment schedule (instalments). You may also subscribe to a complementary insurance with your mutual health insurance or with a private insurance company (for example DKV).

Seeing a non-registered dentist is a personal choice. Opting for quality, comfort and security is your choice. Patient's rights and responsabilities >